International Organization for Standardization 27001 (ISO 27001)

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  • International Organization for Standardization 27001 (ISO 27001)

What is ISO 27001? 

The ISO 27001 standard is designed to function as a framework for an organization’s information security management system (ISMS). This includes all policies and processes relevant to how data is controlled and used. ISO 27001 does not mandate specific tools, solutions, or methods, but instead functions as a compliance checklist. 

iso, standard, symbol

Why ISO 27001 Compliance is important to you? 

  • ISO 27001 certification proves you are taking cyber security seriously. 
  • Certification helps you to expand into global markets. An ISO 27001 certificate is often a supply chain requirement, while in Japan and India it is often a legal requirement. 
  • Cyber-attacks are increasing in volume and strength daily, and the financial and reputational damage caused by ineffectual information security can be fatal. 
  • By providing a globally accepted indication of security effectiveness, ISO 27001 certification negates the need for repeated audits, reducing the number of external audit days. 
  • ISO 27001 is the only auditable international standard that defines the requirements of an ISMS. 

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