Incident Response Management ​

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Create a barrier to threats, loss, and crisis with 24/7 full breach response services. Infosec Mates can perform a range of activities from host and network forensic analysis across all platforms to malware reverse engineering.

Cyber attacks can severely impact your bottom line revenue and damage your reputation. Our managed incident response solutions help you stop the attack, assess the damage, and mitigate the impact to your business.

All businesses are potential targets for cyber attacks every single day. A cyber attack could bring your business operations to a screeching halt, devastate your productivity, compromise your business data, and put your reputation at risk. In some cases, it could mean the end of your business altogether.

Risk and Compliance Capabilities

Infosec Mates can determine the attack vector, establish a timeline of activity, and identify the extent of the compromise, providing rapid containment and eradication of attacks.

24/7 Breach Hotline with Specialist Attorneys

Infosec Mates Breach Hotline is staffed by attorneys who are experts in breach response. This gives you professional guidance and confidentiality via attorney-client privilege, reducing potential liability.

Crisis Management & Notification

When an incident occurs, you’ll receive public relations assistance, call center management, and much more to manage communication and eliminate additional exposure risks.

Identity Theft Management

If personal information is exposed, Infosec Mates provides services to monitor and repair identity threats.

Breach Forensics

Identifying the root cause of a breach is critical, which is why Infosecmates investigates incidents and to inform further securing your systems and data.

Legal Defence

Infosec Mates provides legal defence in the event of a liability claim from a customer.

Intelligent incident response

Infosec Mates managed incident response service is designed to end attacks before they begin. When breaches do occur, we help companies implement procedures that thwart the attack, remove the source, and mitigate damage to your finances and reputation.

We also offer Proactive Breach Services by retainer

Breach Identification

Infosec Mates Breach Identification service centers on the well documented position that organizations are more apt to learn that they have been compromised from an external party than from internal discovery. This service uses common digital forensic and incident response skills to determine the current level of security within an environment. The collection of end-point and server memory (and other collection activities on these devices as necessary), security appliance logs (including firewalls, IDS/IPS, etc.), and configuration information of selected devices provides Infosecmates the capability to analyze environments to determine if any malicious or unknown behavior is currently occurring.

Incident Management Policy and Program Development and Testing

As organizations improve their security stance, the improvement on how to manage an incident occurs. While an organization may have a defined Incident Response Policy, due to compliance requirements, they do not have the actual processes or skills to deliver on the needed capabilities when an incident occurs. This service provides Infosecmates clients with a review of their policies, processes, and skill levels to determine areas of weakness that must be improved in order for the organization to better address an incident. This service also has the capability to assist in the development of an Incident Response Program for clients.


Our managed incident response service can help your business

  • Stop the attack
  • Identify what assets may have been affected
  • Collect all relevant evidence for civil, criminal, or regulatory proceedings
  • Remove the source of the breach
  • Mitigate the financial and reputational impact of the breach
  • Recommend and implement operational improvements to prevent similar breaches in the future

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